Marco Ricci

I just want to share your light

Koi no yokan - Marco Ricci

Koi no yokan, Spray paint on glass, aluminum and wood, 33,5 x 40 cm (with wooden frame), 2021 - SOLD

Memories must be killed - Marco Ricci

Memories must be killed, spray paint on glass and wood, 19 x 24,5 cm, 2021 - SOLD

My song drifts into the empty night, where you no longer exists - Marco Ricci

My song drifts into the empty night, where you no longer exists - SOLD

They suck my blood like it's wine - Marco Ricci

They suck my blood like it's wine, acrylic, spray paint, paper, 40 x 50 cm, 2021 - SOLD

I send you a hug with my long invisible arms - Marco Ricci

I send you a hug with my long invisible arms, acrylic, paper, tape, 22,5 x 31 cm, 2021 - SOLD

I can't get distracted in this universe - Marco Ricci

I can't get distracted in this universe, 50 x 120 cm (together: 100 x 120 cm), 2021

This is sex without touching - Marco Ricci

This is sex without touching, acrylic, spray paint on paper 32 x 42 cm (with white frame), 2021